Trip Homes

Privacy Policy


This site is maintained and operated by TRIP HOMES, service provider, property administrator, registered in the CNPJ under No. 39.837.549/0001-70, headquartered at Avenida Jorge Amado, No. 1565, Jardins, Rooms 4 and 6, Aracaju / SE. Company representatives can be contacted by e-mail at and by Whatsapp (79) 99885-3440.
We collect and use some personal data belonging to those who use our site. In doing so, we act in the capacity of controller of such data and are subject to the provisions of Federal Law n. 13.709/2018 (General Law of Protection of Personal Data - LGPD).
We take care of the protection of your personal data and therefore provide this privacy policy, which contains important information about:
- Who should use our website
- What data we collect and what we do with it;
- Your rights in relation to your personal data; and
- How to contact us.

1. Who should use our site
Our website should only be used by people over the age of eighteen. Therefore, children and teenagers should not use it.

2. Data we collect and why we collect it
Our website collects and uses certain personal data from our users, as set out in this section.

2.1 Personal data expressly provided by the user

We collect the following personal data that our users expressly provide to us when using our website:
- Full Name;
- Mobile Phone;
- Level of Education;
- Nationality;
- ID;
- CPF;
- Marital Status;
- Date of Birth;
- Profession;
- Father's Full Name
- Mother's Full Name;
- Address;
- Email Address;
- Bank Data.
The collection of this data occurs in the following moments:
- when the user makes his/her registration on the site/system;
- when the user uses the contact form;
- when the user resets his/her login password.
The data provided by our users is collected for the following purposes:
- so that the client can access the company's platform;
- in order for the client to make inquiries and reservations;
- in order for the client to contact our Customer Service;
- so that our Customer Care Service can contact the client.

2.2 Sensitive data
There will be no collection of sensitive data from our users, understood as those defined in arts. 11 and following of the Personal Data Protection Act. Thus, no data will be collected on racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of a trade union or religious, philosophical or political organization, data concerning health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

2.3 Collection of data not expressly provided for
Eventually, other types of data not expressly foreseen in this Privacy Policy may be collected, provided that they are supplied with the consent of the user, or, further, that the collection is permitted on another legal basis foreseen by law.
In any case, the collection of data and the resulting processing activities will be informed to the users of the website.

3. Sharing of personal data with third parties
We do not share your personal data with third parties. However, we may do so in order to comply with a legal or regulatory requirement, or to comply with an order issued by a public authority.

4. How long your personal data will be stored
The personal data collected by the website are stored and used for the period of time that corresponds to the time needed to achieve the purposes set out in this document and that takes into account the rights of its holders, the rights of the controller of the website and the applicable legal or regulatory provisions.
Once the storage periods for personal data have expired, they are removed from our databases or anonymized, except in cases where storage is possible or necessary by virtue of a legal or regulatory provision.

5. Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data
A legal basis for the processing of personal data is nothing more than a legal ground, provided by law, that justifies the processing. Thus, every personal data processing operation must have a corresponding legal basis.
We process our users' personal data in the following cases
- upon the consent of the holder of the personal data;
- for the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative or arbitral proceedings;
- for the performance of a contract or preliminary proceedings related to a contract to which the data subject is a party, at the request of the data subject.

5.1 Consent
Certain personal data processing operations performed on our website depend on the user's prior consent, which must be expressed freely, informed and unequivocally.
The user may revoke his consent at any time, and, in the absence of a legal hypothesis allowing or requiring the storage of data, the data provided by consent will be deleted.
In addition, if he wishes, the user may not agree to any personal data processing operation based on consent. In such cases, however, it is possible that you may not be able to use some functionality of the website that depends on that operation. The consequences of the lack of consent for a specific activity are informed prior to the processing.

5.2 Execution of contract
For the execution of a non-residential rental or service contract eventually signed between the site and the user, other data related or necessary to its execution may be collected and stored, including the content of any communications with the user.

6. User's Rights
The user of the site has the following rights, conferred by the Personal Data Protection Law:
- confirmation of the existence of processing;
- access to data;
- correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
- anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive data or data treated in violation of the law;
- portability of the data to another service or product provider upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, respecting commercial and industrial secrets;
- deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject, except in cases provided for by law;
- information of public and private entities with which the controller has shared data use;
- information about the possibility of not giving consent and the consequences of refusal;
- revocation of consent.
It is important to note that, under the LGPD, there is no right to erasure of data processed on legal grounds other than consent, unless the data is unnecessary, excessive or processed in violation of the provisions of the law.

6.1 How the data subject can exercise his/her rights
In order to ensure that the user wishing to exercise his/her rights is in fact the owner of the personal data that is the subject of the request, we may request documents or other information that may assist in his/her correct identification in order to safeguard our rights and the rights of third parties. This will only be done, however, if absolutely necessary, and you will receive all related information.

7. Security measures when handling personal data
We employ technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and from the destruction, loss, misplacement or alteration of such data.
The measures we use take into account the nature of the data, the context and purpose of the processing, the risks that a possible breach would create for the rights and freedoms of the user, and the standards currently employed in the market by companies similar to ours.
Among the security measures we adopt, we highlight the following:
- storage of passwords using cryptographic hashes;
- access restrictions to databases;
- physical access monitoring to servers;
- limiting permissions to system modules.
Even if you do everything in your power to avoid security incidents, it is possible that a problem may occur that is caused exclusively by a third party - such as in the case of attacks by hackers or crackers, or even in the case of the user's own fault, which occurs, for example, when he or she transfers data to a third party. Thus, although we are generally responsible for the personal data we handle, we cannot be held liable in such exceptional circumstances over which we have no control.
In any event, should any type of security incident occur that could generate relevant risk or damage to any of our users, we will notify those affected and the National Data Protection Authority of what has occurred, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Act.

8. Complaint to a supervisory authority
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, personal data subjects who feel in any way aggrieved may file a complaint with the National Data Protection Authority.

9. Changes to this policy

The present version of this Privacy Policy was last updated on: 09/30/2022.
We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time, especially to adapt them to any changes made to our site, either by providing new features or by deleting or modifying existing ones.
Whenever there is a modification, our users will be notified of the change.

10. How to contact us
To clarify any doubts about this Privacy Policy or about the personal data we handle, please contact our Personal Data Protection Officer through any of the channels mentioned below:
Telephone: +55 79 9885-3440
Mail address: Avenida Jorge Amado, nº 1565, Jardins, Salas 4 e 6, Aracaju - Sergipe, Brazil.